The Popular Lottery Games in Indonesia
There are many ways to do your daily lottery ritual in Indonesia. The most popular way is to go to the areas surrounding Jember and have a lottery ticket. People have won a lot of money this way, but there is always a possibility that you will lose more than what you won. In most cases, Indonesian lottery tickets are sold in “kantar”. This is a village located around 15 kilometers from the town of Jember.
The “kantar” is a small village with poor houses. You will notice people playing cards, eating, and talking about their lotto winning. You will hear them hoot and holle talk non stop while walking their dogs. You can buy yourself a cup of tea and sit in front of a full screen TV to watch these people. You will find yourself laughing, talking, and having a good time.
Another good way to have a lottery ticket is to go to the offices of the Jakarta Indoor Water Park. Most of these offices allow customers to line up for a chance to win a ticket. If you are lucky, you may be allowed a ticket to try on before going inside. It is important that you try on as many lottery numbers as possible so that you will know which number is your lucky one. This way, you will be more likely to get the right numbers.