Poker In Indonesia
Playing poker in Indonesia is very much like a dangerous game of Russian roulette, as getting caught by the authorities of underground gambling dens can result into a sentence or even 10 years in jail. However, what s interesting about poker in Indonesia is that most players are actually smart and careful. Many of them are also well educated. Indonesian law is some of the strictest in the globe. Yet poker in Indonesia has been tolerated for years, even being recognized by the Indonesian law as a type of gambling, as long as certain conditions are satisfied.
Poker in Indonesia is very closely monitored by the Indonesian board of council, which oversees all forms of gambling, including poker. If you are playing poker in Indonesia, it is important to note that you will be thoroughly investigated before any charges are filed against you. Also, there are several warning signs that will generally alert players to the risks involved, such as asking too many questions before entering the game, or claiming to be an expert in order to gain an advantage. There are also several warning signs that will usually alert players to the fact that they are being observed, such as leaving the game or leaving chat rooms without having the consent of all players, which is against the rules.
Even with these precautions, there are still many risks involved in poker in Indonesia. Most casinos do not allow players from outside the country, while others only allow players registered with the local government. This effectively means that anyone who is an internet savvy person, especially with an email address, can easily get around the filters and blockage and still be able to log in. Some websites accept players from outside the country but charge them hefty deposits fees, which is another common scam among internet gamblers. Despite these risks, there are many websites that offer high quality games for players from all over the world to play at no cost.