Lottery Gambling in Indonesia
Indonesia is a country which is famous for lottery gambling. Lottery gambling in Indonesia is also very popular among people from different regions. It is a Muslim dominated country and it has very strict rules regarding lottery gambling. Lottery gambling can have very bad effects on the people and they should not indulge in it. There used to be a local lottery game which was run by the government in Indonesia but it was banned due to some religious factors. Nowadays people who want to play the lottery can only do so online.
In Indonesia, lottery clubs are common. These are usually groups of family members, colleagues or old school friends who meet regularly or communicate through WA chat groups. While they are financially beneficial for the participants, they also serve as a social outlet and tighten relationships. However, some are not so innocent and use the club as a platform for fraud. They offer bogus investment opportunities to lure the public into making fraudulent transactions.
As a result, many have fallen victim to these schemes and have lost their money. Although some are able to recover their losses, others have become destitute and homeless. Some have even committed suicide as a way of ending their suffering. The Indonesian government has become much stricter since 2012. This is because there are too many illegal online lottery websites. Those who are caught by the police will be punished heavily. Hence, it is crucial to avoid being scammed.