Indonesia Has Online Casinos Accepting Players From All Around The World
Playing poker in Indonesia with the locals is more like a sport of Russian roulette than a game of poker. Being caught by police raids of illegal gambling dens can result in lashings worse than death. The strict, stringent gaming policies of Indonesia are some of the most strict in the world. A simple transgression – such as playing a game without a licensed dealer – could result in you going to jail for up to 15 years.
Gambling in Indonesia has made headlines in the past, when authorities closed down the popular Angkor Wat Casino near Bangkok. Authorities claimed that the damage caused by the casino’s closure would have been impossible to manage given the influx of tourists (predominantly Chinese and Indian) who were visiting the area in droves to enjoy their high end holidays. Just like other Indonesian provinces, Indonesia has also laid down its own set of gaming laws which are applied according to country law.
There are many well-known Indonesian online poker rooms which allow players to play poker for real cash or wagers. These websites accept players from Indonesia, Singapore, Australia, Thailand, Philippines, and the United Kingdom. Poker players in Indonesia can easily find a good online poker room to play at given time of the day. Players can contact the website by clicking on the contact us link which is present on the homepage.